14:36:44 From Rhonda : quick question regarding known office of publication. If in the future, we relocate our office location to another address but keep printing location.. which address do we utilize? 14:37:29 From Rhonda : OK, good to know. thank you!! 14:38:20 From Brad Hill : File PS Form 3510 Application for Reentry to change your Known Office of Publication. https://about.usps.com/forms/ps3510.pdf 14:39:53 From Rhonda : Reacted to "File PS Form 3510 Ap..." with 👍🏽 14:39:57 From Rhonda : Removed a 👍🏽 reaction from "File PS Form 3510 Ap..." 14:40:37 From Rhonda : Reacted to "File PS Form 3510 Ap..." with 👍🏽 14:43:56 From Jennifer McKinney : Does mailing agent need anything with crid or permit if using someone other than us? 14:53:18 From Jennifer McKinney : Yes thank you 14:53:49 From Chris Hall : Thank you Matt 14:54:13 From Brianne Grimstad : Thank you