From susan johns : Could we receive the handout in the chat, please? Thank you From Kate Decker : It's linked above! From Todd Thornton : I only see it in the email so posting link. From susan johns : Thank you :) From Kate Decker : Thanks, Todd! From Al Cross : AL.CROSS@UKY.EDU From Al Cross : Article about book chapter, with link to full text: From Matt McMillan : When looking for campaign finance reports, do you go to Secretary of State's office in advance to know when reporting is due? \ From Al Cross : THe election-finance offices usually publish ythe deadlines. From Matt McMillan : We charge $25 and letter volume during elections is increasing. We ran multiple pages of paid letters in our issues leading up to the elections last time. From Al Cross : What's your word limit? From susan johns : Could you further define the “aggressive editing” option/approach you mentioned for letters to the editor From Matt McMillan : One county board member just told us he has a letter campaign committee established. After we told him letters are paid, he realized he would need to pay. From susan johns : Disregard, you are answering it :) From Diana Haecker : Do you add a note under the letters that are paid for that says they are paid like a political ad? From Al Cross : Under postal rules you must From Matt McMillan : We have a gray kicker on top of each letter which says "paid letter." Some other papers run the letter writer's name and "paid letter" with it. From Todd Thornton : What percentage of endorsement decisions do you believe are based on chances of actual results vs what candidates say/their beliefs? In other words, should a newspaper endorse an incumbent again if they accomplished very little/none of what they promised during their first term? From susan johns : If a letter is paid, we state that and box it and put it in ad space to help distinguish it from the (other) letters we run; we would consider proposing they pay if the letter exceeds our word limit. That’s the only example I recall From susan johns : And only then if they have declined our offer for them to resubmit it within the word limit From Diana Haecker : How do you charge for a paid letter? By word or column inch? From Al Cross : I think either would be OK From Matt McMillan : Thanks guys. That was great. From Lynne Lance : Thank you Matt! From Matt McMillan : 👍 From susan johns : Maybe send out email questionnaires and ask them to send along pics 15:13:59 From susan johns : But you would still have to make an alternative method for those without emails From susan johns : To answer those same questions From Al Cross : If they don't have email they're not serious From susan johns : In maine, in town elections,that is not necessarily so :) From Lynne Lance : good point From Brea Sanford : Susan, in that case you could have the questionnaires sent to these people, have them fill them out and then request them back by a certain date. From susan johns : Thank you, all! From susan johns : Correct, we set dates for those, thanks From Lynne Lance : Thank you Susan! From susan johns : For the email responses, too From luannschindler : Thank you! Great info. From Diana Haecker : Thank you for this webinar! From Pioneer news : Thank you. Very informative From paginationmac : Thank you. From pagination1 : Awesome workshop!!! thanks