14:07:24 From Laura Olson : https://gateway.usps.com 14:14:22 From Hillary Carroll : Is the 10% limit the old limit? Was that updated to 50% last year? https://www.nna.org/pub/doc/2022-11522-new-rule-effective-5.27.2022.pdf 14:17:13 From Pam : My postmaster said I still need to bring over a hard copy, if this is so why can’t the Post office just continue to enter the information 14:18:14 From Kevin Jacobs : @Hillary -Yes, nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies may be mailed at In-County prices if they total no more than 50 percent of the total number of subscriber or requester copies of the publication mailed at In-County prices during the calendar year. If the 50-percent calendar year limit is exceeded, the nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies that exceed the limit are ineligible to be mailed at In–County prices. DMM 14:20:49 From Hillary Carroll : Thanks Kevin! On one of the previous slides with screenshot of the postal wizard I saw 10% and wanted to be sure this is updated for publishers entering 3541 this way. 14:20:54 From Jen : Reacted to "My postmaster said I..." with 👍 14:21:21 From Laura Olson : @Pam - Once the FRN is finalized and goes into effect, the option for Hardcopy entering will be removed and your Postmaster will no longer have the option. 14:21:34 From Tom Taylor : Reacted to "@Hillary -Yes, non..." with 👍 14:21:55 From Tom Taylor : Reacted to "@Pam - Once the FR..." with 👍 14:22:49 From Laura Olson : We are working with the field so they are also aware of how the FRN will impact the smaller associate offices. 14:23:05 From Kevin Jacobs : @Pam - no postmaster should be requiring a hard copy postage statement. All mailers are eligible to submit electronically. Per the 2/13/2023 FRN, effective January 2024, USPS will no longer accept hard-copy statements. We need our BMEU clerks performing tasks other than data entry. 14:25:45 From Sheri Crowe : So no longer would need to keep a hard copy on file anymore for a year? 14:26:06 From Kevin Jacobs : @Hillary - note that the 10% nonsubscriber threshold still applies to Outside County pieces. However, Outside County pieces that are comingled with subscriber copies are still eligible for Outside County prices. DMM 14:26:24 From Tiffany Hardy : Does the post office then still need the hard copy of the marked up paper showing the percentage of advertising? 14:26:38 From Hillary Carroll : Back 14:26:40 From Hillary Carroll : 2 pages 14:26:41 From Jeff Andres : DDU forms also need to be electronic, correct? 14:27:16 From Hillary Carroll : Yep there 14:27:32 From Kevin Jacobs : @Tiffany - unless the publication is enrolled in the Alternate Marked Copy Program, yes a marked copy is still required with each issue. 14:28:02 From Pam : Replying to "@Pam - no postmaster…" Well she said she will need it to verify the information I am putting in🤷🏻‍♀️ 14:29:42 From Laura Olson : @Pam - Your Postmaster will receive the needed information to understand how to verify your mailings once the Hard Copy statements are discontinued. 14:33:19 From Kevin Jacobs : Alternate Marked Copy Program information: https://postalpro.usps.com/USPSVerificationofPeriodicalsAdvertisingPercentage 14:33:44 From Jen : Somehow, I have two CRID numbers. I’ve been unable to sign up for Postal Wizard because of it. My local post office has no clue how to fix it. Who can I reach out to to get it straightened out so I can use PW? 14:34:33 From Sheri Crowe : Also do we take in a hard copy of the newspaper with the Total Inches, Total Advertising and Percentage noted on the newspaper? 14:34:54 From Kevin Jacobs : @ Jen - the MSSC can assist you. 14:35:25 From Kevin Jacobs : Email: MSSC@usps.gov Phone: 1-(877)-672-0007 14:35:35 From Pamela M. : Can we get a copy of the steps done in BCG that Olga went over? 14:35:46 From Jen : Reacted to "Email: MSSC@usps.gov..." with 😃 14:35:53 From Laura Olson : @Jen - You'll need to determine within BCG which CRID your permits are connected to. You may not be able to use PW because your permit is not linked. You may contact the MSSC Help Desk for assistance. 14:35:58 From Lynne Lance : this webinar and the powepoint will be available, we will try to send tomorrow! 14:36:00 From Tom Taylor : Thank you!!! 14:36:16 From Pam : Replying to "Does the post office…" Yes I also want to know if we still need to bring over the measured paper 14:37:51 From Hillary Carroll : With the postal rate hikes that occurred within the last year, what is the average per piece price to mail a Periodical in-county? What is the average out of county per piece price? 14:38:26 From Brad Hill : Replying to "Does the post office..." Pam - no changes coming on the requirement to provide a copy with advertising marked up. Kevin Jacobs posted a link in this chat to the Alternate Marked Copy Program, which can exempt you from needing to provide one with each mailing. You will still need to measure advertising, however. 14:38:50 From Jen : Reacted to "Pam - no changes com..." with 👍 14:45:56 From Brad Hill : Replying to "With the postal rate..." There's enough variation between physical preparation and distribution that averages are a little tricky to nail down, but this might help: Postage for a 4oz. DDU-entered, basic carrier-route paper costs about 11.9 cents In-County and 26.5 cents Outside-County. 14:47:48 From Hillary Carroll : Replying to "With the postal rate..." Thanks Brad! :-) Pricing is so elusive, this helps. 14:53:12 From Hillary Carroll : Are there guidelines for calculating advertising percentage? 14:56:24 From Brad Hill : Yes - USPS defines multiple acceptable methods of measuring. See DMM 207.17.2 https://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/207.htm#ep1059536 14:57:58 From Brad Hill : Alternate Marked Copy Program information: https://postalpro.usps.com/USPSVerificationofPeriodicalsAdvertisingPercentage 15:01:45 From Hillary Carroll : Wrt the in-county non-subscriber allowance, can you confirm the following example? - If you have a 5,000 total circ, 2600 requesters.  - Are 1300 non-subscribers allowed to be mailed at in-county? -And the remaining 1100 are at outside county? (even if they are located inside the county?) 15:03:25 From Brad Hill : Replying to "Wrt the in-county no..." Yes, IF the 2600 requesters are mailed at inside-county rates. 15:03:40 From Hillary Carroll : Replying to "Wrt the in-county no..." Perfect, thanks! 15:05:03 From Dr. Shaunta Scroggins : Thank you! 15:05:14 From Tom Taylor : Thanks!