Ad tax fight heats up
Oct 13, 2017
Dear NNA member,
We are fighting an advertising tax.
I know you couldn’t hear worse words right now. But the House Ways and Means Committee is struggling mightily to find new federal revenues to pay for a corporate tax cut. While NNA isn’t opposing the tax cut, the idea of trimming our advertisers’ expense deductions is a really bad one. Cutting back on advertising will hurt the whole economy and probably defeat the purpose of tax reform.
Please take a minute to read the attached alert here. Please CALL—don’t email—your member of Congress. We need to put this bad idea to rest immediately.
I need to know back from you who you called and what response you got. If you talk to a staff member, who cannot give you the congressman’s or congresswoman’s position, you are on solid ground if you ask for a call back with an answer when they have one. We need to count votes.
I thank you for your support of the industry. Write me at or our public policy director, Tonda Rush, at