Greensheet Media, the owner of The Greensheet selects ProImage NewsWay-X Workflow
Feb 16, 2018
Princeton, NJ--Texas based Greensheet Media, a weekly shopper with 19 zones and a total weekly circulation of 650,000 recently upgraded their production workflow with ProImage browser-based, HTML 5 compliant NewsWay-X.
NewsWay-X monitors production status from origination to print sites, regardless of their locations. The ease of use to access it from anywhere on their network helps Greensheet Media to efficiently manage their workflow. As Pre-Press Manager Brian Dill comments: “One of the key arguments for selecting NewsWay-X was the ability to run the system from a virtualized server and having multiple user login-ins without worrying about what Java version to run. We also like that NewsWay-X runs on one server and is browser-friendly.”
Besides the fact that there is no reliance on Java Script, the NewsWay-X dashboard is designed to save valuable time for print plant managers allowing them to see the status of their entire production with a single glance. It is another key feature that appealed tremendously to Greensheet Media’s production team as Mr. Dill states the benefits: “The ease of new pub creation, being able to monitor all pubs and plates created just by log in at my desk, and being able to see all production jobs from a single screen.”
NewsWay-X is highly modular and is packaged as a core product with multiple add-on modules. This permits various combinations of tools and services to address specific customer requirements. As in the case of Greensheet Media, page pairing, color proofing, soft proofing and imposition will be used. Especially the soft proofing found the customer’s approval, citing it being “more advanced” than their old system and having “enhanced features that were not possible with their older system”.
Besides the many production benefits, the financial aspect is also worth mentioning. Greensheet now needs only one server to run NewsWay-X and all end users can use their current computers, eliminating 2 RIP stations and 2 PC stations for proofing pages.
About The Greensheet
The Greensheet is a local weekly shopper based in Houston, Texas, with local offices in 2 Texas metros, Houston and Dallas. The newspaper was founded in 1970 and has 19 print editions in Texas plus prints a variety of weekly publications for commercial customers. It also provides an online marketplace offering free classified ads for buyers and sellers.
About ProImage
New ProImage is a leading developer of browser-based content management, digital workflow, ink optimization, color image processing and production tracking solutions for the commercial and newspaper printing and publishing industries. Using a standard Internet browser, ProImage's advanced workflow technologies offer the printing industry flexible and feature-rich end-to-end automated workflow management.
Rick Shafranek - VP of Sales and Marketing
New ProImage America, Inc.
Tel: +1 303-426-7171