Help fight newsprint tariffs

Jun 25, 2018

Many of you have commented that your readers are concerned about the potential loss of local newspapers because of the newsprint tariff. Indeed, with printing costs up 25%-30% for many newspapers this year, and our insert advertisers also beginning to feel the pinch, we all have good reason to be concerned.

If we cannot do the job our communities expect of us, it will be the people in our town who suffer first and most.

I’m pleased to say that we can now give them an outlet to express their concerns to Congress.
Thanks to the STOPP Coalition (Stop the Tariff on Printers and Publishers), of which the National Newspaper Association is an active member, there is an easy, online petition for people to express their outrage and concern that one small company in Washington State can threaten the 600,000 jobs across the country affected by rising newsprint costs.

Attached to this note are two Internet pieces that offer your readers a chance to fight back. You can find them here.

We appreciate all that our members have done to educate members of Congress and other policymakers about the harms inflicted upon community newspapers from these unfair taxes at the border. NNA is fighting hard to have the existing tariffs lifted in September.

Please keep up the good work and help us to collect 10,000 signatures on this petition.

The Stop Tariffs on Printers and Publishers coalition has created ads that newspapers can use to ask your readers to sign the petition NNA President Susan Rowell mentioned in her earlier email. The ads are located here. Help your readers join the fight to protect U.S. jobs. Make sure these digital ads link to the STOPP petition located here.

The ads can also be downloaded from Google Drive here.
Susan Rowell
NNA President
Publisher of the Lancaster (SC) News