SCS had a product launch party for Scoop 7
Oct 15, 2018
In 2015 SCS purchased the rights to the Scoop newsroom system, originally developed by Swedish newspaper vendor, Scoop Publishware. Earlier versions of Scoop had a well deserved reputation for effortless reliability, fluid functionality and ease of use. The original Scoop was once one of the leading editorial systems in Scandinavia. SCS marketed and supported it in the US since 1999.
SCS began rewriting Scoop using modern software tools shortly after it purchased the copyrighted code. The result is being branded Scoop 7. Scoop 7 retains all the virtues of prior versions of Scoop while eliminating Scoop's vices.
The rewrite gives new life to the Scoop name. Scoop 7 follows the technology model of SCS's popular advertising systems. It features extensive use of open source platform-independent software for its operating system (Linux) and underlying database management systems (PostgreSQL for structured data and ElasticSearch for unstructured data.) Where there were separate clients for Macs and Windows PCs, now there is just one using the Qt interface library. Qt supports all popular platforms with the same code Qt also facilitated internationalization.
The newest versions of InDesign® are fully supported.
Scoop 7 is being fitted into SCS's microservices architecture. It provides tight integration with loose coupling to SCS's suite of advertising systems. It does so without necessitating them.
Scoop users, SCS developers and installers, SCS VP Kurt Jackson, Director of Sales Phil Curtolo and owners Martha and Richard Cichelli sponsored a launch party at SCS Headquarters.
“While a reseller, the aspects we most liked were the ease of use for new users, the modular nature of the product line and that the system just sat there and ran,” said Kurt Jackson.
This week SCS unveiled the new product line to existing users and the response was overwhelmingly positive.
Tim Dunbar, Systems Network Analyst at LNP Media Group, said, “I am quite literally blown away. Every conceivable annoyance we’ve had with the outdated Scoop 5 software has been addressed, improved upon, and brought to a polish shine.”
For the next three months, Scoop 7 will be deployed for use by current customers on support for shakedown testing. Several customers using SCS's advertising systems have expressed interest in being early adopters. SCS expects their deployments and others to begin in January 2019.