Think you can't afford a redesign?

Oct 15, 2018

YOU MAY HAVE been considering a professional redesign for some time, but you think you just can't afford it. Not so! With the Francis A. Henninger Grant, you can't afford not to redesign.


The goal of the program is to make newspaper design services affordable for every newspaper, especially those with limited circulation, staff and revenue.


It's an effort to reach out to those of you who believe your newspaper can't receive professional design assistance. Ultimately, the goal is to bring a new level of design, direction and distinction to those newspapers that qualify.


The grant is named for Ed's father, Francis A. Henninger, who believed in hard work, commitment to family and giving to others without any desire for recognition. He never made it to high school, sacrificing his education to help in his father's shop as a printer's devil.


The program is simple: It's a way for your newspaper to benefit from a redesign at a significantly reduced investment.


Applying for the grant is easy: All you have to do is contact Ed (email or phone) and mention that you'd like to be considered for the program. He'll chat with you to see how you can work together on a redesign that's contemporary, compelling...and affordable.


You've got nothing to lose, a world to gain and an uplifting redesign project to experience!


Contact Ed today:
