Far too little fraud to make a difference in election, AP finds; it allows non-subscribing weeklies to republish story
Al Cross
Dec 17, 2021
Millions of Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen. That's not true, The Associated Press concluded after exhaustive investigations in the six most closely decided states. There is no greater journalistic authority than the AP, so the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues asked it to allow the story to be republished by weekly newspapers that don't subscribe to AP. The wire service agreed, asking only that links to the story and a sidebar be posted along with it. We thank AP executive Adam Yeomans (copied on this note) and his colleagues for this big favor and encourage weeklies to take advantage of it.
The story, and a link to the sidebar with state-by-state details, is at https://irjci.blogspot.com/ 2021/12/far-too-little-fraud- to-make-any.html