NNAF wants YOU!

Dec 11, 2017

Dear NNA members,

We know community newspapers play a vital role in the civic education of America’s voters. However, we find it harder with each passing year to earn the revenue that allows us to report on public bodies, cover our communities thoroughly on civic and social issues, and we know that many believe they can get the news they need to be good citizens on the internet.

The National Newspaper Association Foundation would like to spend the next year focused on ways in which we can raise the profile of the essential role community newspapers play in educating voters so they can make informed decisions.

NNAF will also once again be conducting its highly popular and successful News Fellows Program. On his professional web page, one student who is now working as a professional journalist is asked to provide a link to a piece he is really proud of writing. The link takes you to his story written about the Supreme Court while a fellow last year.

Our 2018 News Fellows theme is: Red State, Blue State, Purple State, What a State of Affairs! We will ask the Fellows to focus on themes and programs that are trying to bring the sides together, or appeal to the crossover votes in the more partisan states.

Your donations help us continue this program that brings up to eight journalism students from around the country to Washington, D.C., in March in conjunction with our Community Newspaper Leadership Summit.

We always welcome your suggestions on where you think NNAF should be focusing its efforts.

Your donations are a fully tax-deductible gift to the non-profit arm of the National Newspaper Association that does so much to help your business.

NNA created the foundation as a non-profit partner with the mission of promoting news literacy, protecting the First Amendment and enhancing the quality, role and capability of community newspapers and community journalists.

Your donations are essential to our ongoing mission and the future of newspapers!

Please consider making a donation as 2017 ends and we look forward to 2018. You can either donate by clicking on the “donate” button attached to this email or mail a check to:
National Newspaper Association Foundation
900 Community Drive
Springfield, IL, 62703-5180

Go here to learn more about NNAF and dontate: http://www.nnaweb.org/nnaf.
NNAF is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your gifts will be fully tax-deductible.