NNA Foundation D.C. fellowship is back!
Dec 1, 2019

Public Affairs Manager | Michigan Press Association
We are pulling together the 2020 NNAF Fellowship in D.C. The theme is “Presidential Politics: a 20/20 View.”
This is an exciting opportunity for journalism students in your state.
The program in 2020 can accommodate between six and eight Fellows. Fellows will need to have someone from your state attending the Summit who is willing to act as their host. Unlike years past, we will ask that you put the student up in the same hotel you are staying.
The plans for the Fellows are still coming together, but we anticipate that they will have access to some very interesting people who have insider knowledge about the workings of a presidential campaign. This is a unique opportunity for college journalists. It is designed to foster civic literacy and help early career journalists understand how to develop factual stories in the Nation’s Capital, where a wide variety of viewpoints with their own “spin” on the news dominates national debate.
The students will be assigned to produce a story for a local audience that demonstrates what they learn about presidential politics with an emphasis on the upcoming (or ongoing) cycle. They will have a mentor to help guide them through the process. The dates for the 2020 Fellowship are March 25-27.
If you are interested in sponsoring a Fellow, please know that you are responsible for travel costs including flight and ground transportation, hotel costs and the registration fee. The cost of registration includes a metro card, some meals and the closing dinner of the Summit. I estimate cost at between $1,500-$2,000 when Michigan sends a Fellow. We also provide some walking around money for meals not included, etc.
Deadline for reserving a spot is January 30, 2020. You can register your Fellow here: http://bit.ly/35zHi8u
As a side note: If you have someone in your state who might be interested in mentoring a Fellow, please forward their information to lisa@michiganpress.org.
Any questions about the program can be addressed to the email above.