NNAF Better Newspaper Contest 2022 newspaper contest winners announced
Jun 30, 2022

Judging results have been processed and winners of the National Newspaper Association Foundation’s 2022 Better Newspaper Contest and Better Newspaper Advertising Contest have been posted below.
Winners will be recognized at the awards ceremony held Saturday, October 8, 2022, during NNAF’s 136th Annual Convention & Trade Show in San Francisco.
There were 1,333 entries in the Better Newspaper Editorial Contest and 228 entries in the Better Newspaper Advertising Contest for a total of 1,561 entries. There were 586 awards won by 92 newspapers in 40 states.
The Wyoming Press Association was awarded the third annual “Best of NNA” Award for their 81 winning entries, beating out Iowa with 51 wins and New Mexico with 48 wins.
Lists of winners by categories and by newspaper are available below on this page.
Judging was performed primarily by active community newspaper editors and publishers, as well as retired university journalism professors and retired or former newspaper professionals.
Judge Larry Hochberger, associate publisher of The Ithaca (New York) Times said, “Thanks for the opportunity to judge this contest. It is great to see that in the already-challenging world facing newspapers and then a pandemic, these papers are surviving and thriving and doing great work for their communities..”
Established in 1885, the National Newspaper Association (NNA) is the voice of America’s community newspapers and is the one of the largest newspaper associations in the country. The NNA Foundation (NNAF) is the educational arm of the NNA. Its mission is to promote news literacy, protect the First Amendment, and enhance the quality, role and capabilities of community newspapers and community journalists.
Visit the contest page here to download winners spreadsheets.
View information about the Annual Convention & Trade Show and/or register here.