Advertising provides clients with proprietary research, reporting and custom program development.

American Advertising Federation

Provides newsletters that give a brief overview of advertising-related policy and legislative developments on the federal, state and local levels.

Calculating Display Ad Rates Per Column Inch

Display Ad Rate formula from shows you how to calculate display ad rates based on the ad’s size.

Display Ad Rate Calculator from The Oregonian

Input the rate, columns and lines and the calculator figures the cost to the advertiser.

Effective Newspaper Advertisement Types explains different kinds of ads that publications use.

IAB Mobile Buyers Guide

While mobile appears to be a complex ecosystem with its own vernacular, the buying process itself is very similar to other familiar platforms including the Internet. This booklet will guide you through the process in plain English, and get you started as a first time mobile advertiser.

Making Newspaper Ads Simple, Clean, and Attractive

Poynter tips for newspaper ad designers on how to make simple, clean and attractive ads.

Marketing Terms and Definitions

Marketing terms from offers a glossary of marketing terms.

SM4 Software

Offers articles on advertising and “84 Reasons to Advertise.” The site requires free registration to access the articles.

Understanding Advertising Rate Cards

Rate cards are discussed at, including brief explanations of rate card terms and measurement formulas. Although the articles are geared toward retailers, the information is useful for newspapers wanting to gain a basic understanding of rate cards.