Celebrate sunshine March 11-15
Feb 1, 2024

Focus on increasing solutions to secrecy attempts; research available
The News Leaders Association's board (formerly ASNE/APME) voted early December 2023 to dissolve the organization and transfer Sunshine Week to the Brechner Freedom of Information Project and have started to work on March 11-15, 2024, celebrations. The group noted a focus on increasing solutions to secrecy attempts.
David Cuillier, director of the Joseph L. Brechner Freedom of Information Project at the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida, welcomes participation by NNA member newspapers.
“Brechner stands ready to assist you in advocating for FOI,” Cuillier said. “We are happy to provide research to help you in educating lawmakers and the public, as well as training. Also, I’m always happy to provide national context quotes for reporters working on stories about denials. They can’t call the mayor a cotton–headed ninny muggins, but I can!”
Cuillier shared a presentation by his organization that provides access data that could be useful for local coverage or promotions.
Access it on the NNA site at: https://bit.ly/3ShdTKe
Contact Cuillier by email at cuillierd@ufl.edu.