Creative selling is key in monetizing your publication or website

Mar 1, 2022

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Managing Editor | Family Features

It’s no secret publications from coast to coast are experiencing difficulty trying to find new and different revenue sources.

However, getting creative with selling advertising might be a key to making up lost revenue.

Using a content provider, like Family Features, can provide your sales team with inspiration to reach local advertisers with creative ideas for promoting their products or services. Consider these ways free editorial content can assist your sales team:

  • Download an article about preparing a steak or hamburger, then sell an ad to the local meat shop or grocer. The same tactic could be used to present delicious dessert-centered content to your local bakery as a sponsorship opportunity, or as a tie-in advertisement with your local veterinarian or grooming shop and an article on welcoming a new pet into your home. A variety of content categories — 40 in all — give your sales team plenty of opportunities to reach out to potential local advertisers.
  • Create a special section with the content utilizing categories such as Spring Food and Recipes, Back-to-School, Health and Wellness, Home Remodeling, Pets or Travel; sell advertising to local merchants that tie in with compatible content.
  • Localize articles to your area. For example, consider adding your city to the headline — “5 Steps to Healthier Living in Pensacola” — or adding a quote from a local expert, then selling advertisements to hospitals, urgent care facilities, exercise clubs or other related businesses in the community. Localizing is a simple way to make the content your own and create a hometown feel.
    • Your website can also see revenue growth by taking advantage of digital content, widgets and videos.
  • Once installed, the widgets automatically update weekly with fresh content and can be customized to fit the color scheme and layout of your site. Family Features offers these three popular categories: food, lifestyle and home & garden. Create a webpage for each topic and sell advertising to local merchants around the widgets.
  • Provide digital content for every article. It can easily be paired with a local advertiser on your website.
  • Videos are the latest craze on websites; place a video and tie in an advertisement from a subject matter expert.

Learn more and find additional ways to help your advertising team make money for your publication or website at