Letter from the president: I want to reiterate NNA’s legislative priorities
Apr 17, 2020
Here we are in the middle of the challenge of our lifetimes. It has become almost trite to say we are in this together, but as NNA’s president this year, I do feel my calling has been bolstered by my friends and colleagues in the NNA. We are weathering this storm as well as anyone could.
I am writing now for several reasons.
First, I want to reiterate NNA’s legislative priorities. We are working on getting the most out of the Payroll Protection Program — expanding it with more funding, asking for forgivable loans to cover printing costs and recalibrating the timing for payroll costs. We are also working on shoring up USPS because we need to get newspapers delivered.
We are focusing on all open avenues to find new revenues for newspapers. Along with the News Media Alliance, America’s Newspapers and National Association of Broadcasters, NNA has asked Congress to redirect federal ad dollars to local media markets. The devil will be in the details of this program. Getting it funded is the first step. As other possible avenues open up, NNA will team up with all of our allies to seek out more revenues.
Second, I know you’re seeing a lot of messages from NNA as well as your state association and other national and regional organizations. We don’t want to inundate you, but we are trying to get as much information into your hands as possible. Let us know if it is too much.
NNA is focusing on realistic priorities for community newspapers. We also are coordinating our efforts with others — both within and outside of the newspaper business — to lend our unique voice and influence where it strengthens our industry. As you know, we worked productively together to defeat the newsprint tariffs in 2018. Today, during the public health crisis, our coordinated work is needed more than ever.
Finally, we are grateful for your dues commitment. That is what runs NNA. Cash flow is going to be tight in the industry for the coming year. Please don’t drop out. If you can’t make your dues payment, have a conversation with Lynne Lance, our executive director. We will do our best to work out a way for you to remain involved.
Thanks for your commitment.
Matthew Adelman
NNA president
Publisher, Douglas (Wyoming) Budget