NNA Membership report 2019-2020
Oct 1, 2020

During the last fiscal year, NNA lost a net of 346 members. APG Media represented the largest loss (174 newspapers). As of June 30, 2020, there were 1,649 members (1,806 last year). We added 189 members.
The 10 partner state press association receipts totaled $100,559 ($129,805 last year). NNA lost 16 newspapers (Big Fish, Minnesota, represented 11 of these) and gained one through state press billing. Thank you to these states that continue to support NNA by this partnership: Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
NNA introduced a tier dues program that allows state press associations to join all of the member newspapers at a discounted dues level. Thank you to Brian Allfrey, Utah Press Association, and Darcie Hoffland, Wyoming Press Association, for entering this pilot program. For more information, contact Lynne Lance at lynne@nna.org. Max Heath continued to help member newspapers with their postal issues, along with his fellow MTAC team of Brad Hill, CEO, Interlink; Matt Paxton, chairman of the Congressional Action Team and publisher of the News-Gazette in Lexington, Virginia; and Tonda Rush, NNA’s director of public policy.
Pub Aux Live! webinars continued to offer a wide variety of programs, free to NNA members.
NNA’s social media continued to grow over the past year, with Twitter having the most followers.
Want a list of all the benefits NNA has to offer with contact information? Call or email Lynne at (850) 542-7087 or lynne@nna.org.