Pub Aux to resume monthly printing in 2020
Nov 1, 2019

PENSACOLA, Florida — After being sworn in at the annual convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, NNA President Matt Adelman announced that Publishers' Auxiliary would return to monthly printing and mailing starting January 2020.
As a cost-cutting measure in 2019, Publishers’ Auxiliary remained a monthly publication with an electronic version available monthly, but editions were only printed and mailed out quarterly.
NNA published a digital edition on eType and a printer-friendly edition (reformatted to fit on 8.5x11). Sending the digital edition through an email designed in MailChimp, staff was able to track how many views each issue had — and consistently, the printer-friendly edition had the most downloads!
“We heard you, members!” Executive Director Lynne Lance said. “You like the print edition and we do, too.”
Under Lance’s direction, NNA overcame an operating a total operating loss of $166,366 in the 2017-2018 fiscal year. These efforts resulted in a total net revenue of $5,230.46 for the 2018-2019 fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2019.
During the annual meeting of the NNA Board of Directors at convention, directors approved Lance’s proposal to return to monthly printing. Wendy MacDonald remains the sales director.
Thank you to our dedicated readers who stuck with us and downloaded the printer-friendly version each month or viewed the electronic edition on eType!