Share your life stories
Jerry Bellune
Feb 1, 2022

Do you have favorite writers? We do, too.
If you write columns, essays, observations from your own life or just a letter to Mom, you might use a model from best-selling author Robert Fulghum.
He plucked this tidbit out of a grocery store visit.
The virus surge prompts me to wear a mask again when inside a busy store.
Most people go mask-less.
A little boy approached me and barked:
“Mister, how come you’re wearing a mask?”
I crouched down and whispered:
“I am a professional bank robber — we always wear masks.”
He was unfazed.
“But this is not a bank — it’s a grocery store.”
“Yes, but bank robbers need groceries, too.”
He went off down the aisle to report to his parents.
They laughed and waved.
You get the idea. Life is full of such moments.
This will give you an idea of how you can share your life experience with others in a column, a letter, a blog, even a daily journal entry.
Not only will your friends, family and readers enjoy it.
It will tune up your own Big Eyes and Big Ears to such precious moments in your own life.
Next: How to interview strangers.
If you don’t know what Big Eyes and Big Ears are, dip into my book, “The Art of Compelling Writing, Volume 1.” It is available on Amazon at
Jerry Bellune is a writing coach and author of “The Art of Compelling Writing, Volume 1.” The $14 print edition is available to you for $10. For a personally autographed copy, send your check to him at PO Box 1500, Lexington SC 29071-1500.