NNA Issue Brief — SBA releases identities of borrowers of more than $150,000 in Paycheck Protection Program
Tonda Rush
Jul 6, 2020
The Small Business Administration and Department of Treasury today released the identities of loan recipients under the Paycheck Protection Program that received more than $150,000 in loans.
Newsrooms interested in looking into data may access the information by state here:
Please note: If you view the information broken down into individual Excel/ .csv files per state, you have scrolled down too far down. This information is for loans under $150k and is not complete — business name is missing. The first /top link is all loans over $150k where business names are specified (not broken down by state, but all listed in the ONE .csv). You can sort by state. Further down, loans under $150k are listed without specifics, broken out by state in multiple .csv files. Email Kate Richardson with any questions.